Monday, April 16, 2007


Sunday, April 15, 2007 7:02 PM
Jonathan Kleier

Samantha, your thoughts on Carmela bring up interesting ideas. Carmela can hold her own, she even bitch slapped (metaphorically) Janice last week. Carmela is also very very loyal to the ideals of the mafia. I think she desperately does want grow independent (of course, the spec house) but she is yet to be successful, and I have a feeling Tony likes it that way.

In the end, I can see Carmela playing some role in Tony’s murder. What does she gain by keeping him around? With him dead, She gets all the money (though Tony I’m sure has lots hidden) and does she really love him anyway. I think as you said, she’s manipulative and plotting so maybe her seeming love is a manipulation.

Also, I think her witnessing Tony getting beat by Bobby is very important, and Tony knows it. Carmela, though she denied it, is attracted to Tony for 1 reason: he is an alpha male who has power and until last week, he was the toughest of 'em all. Evolutionary psychology, as far as I know. Now that Tony is weak, and he’s certainly not good looking, Carmela will be over him.

I will read Macbeth (though, as you said, cliffs notes). I really enjoy thes back and forth conversations. It makes the show so much more fun. It’s like our own book club. I’m gonna be paying more attention to Carmella.

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